Sunday, March 29, 2009


What is it about fog that makes me want to spill ink all over a blank canvas and smear it around until the pixels connect into somewhat logical but very random words?

Fog is nothing more than tiny droplets of water vapor suspended in air near the ground. It is rain that isn't ready to call it quits. Fog will not settle easily into the porous pavement and sink into the earth. It will not vaporize into the atmosphere.

Tonight's fog is no accident. Ironically this fog is a clear message to all of us who need it. Although the uncertain haze does not seem to have a clear path in front of it.... it lingers. If you need to, be the fog. Do not fear that which you do not know and can not see through. Do not settle into the pavement. Do not vaporize into the clouds. Stick around awhile and when all is clear and the sun is shining it will be hard to miss the smile in your heart.

Fog is merely a metaphor but now more than ever it's time for us to believe in metaphor's again like we did before the weight of the world came crashing down.

If times are hard please don't give up. Do not be embarrassed or ashamed of your circumstances. WE are ALL in this together and when all else fails I will stand behind you. Take this moment to reflect on the things that are real in your life. It seems when times are good we create a monetary false reality but the truth is when times are bad we remember who we truly are. I for one can honestly thank the current state of affairs for the return of my soul, my individuality, and my love for the life that exists around me. Take this moment to look into your own eyes in the mirror. Who were you? Who are you now? And probably the most important question of all, Who do you want to be when the fog clears?


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