Sunday, March 29, 2009

Double You Double You Double You Dot Something

Here we are again. The same old audience the same old circumstances. It's just like you and I tonight but what I am feeling right now is that we are not alone. There is no me and you, honestly there is no me and there is no you. Just us. So 28 today here I am I made it and this is the year that you didn't expect lyrics unless you were me and then you knew they were coming. This is the grass roots movement. This is where old friends grow further and new friends become. This is it. Are we humble? Have we become? And if not, "Fuck it" come into your own. So where will this rant / poem / lifeblood, go from here? I have thought about this. This is where we are this is where we have been and it absolutely is where we are going. We are not the product we buy. We are not the switch stance 3 off the rail. We are not the words on the paper written by us for us. We are exactly what they want us to be and here we are. Tonight Jimmy Newquist sang happy birthday to me and tried to play my request and when it failed I went 3 for 3 on my other requests. Brayden and Danny came out. Crazy Larry was there and so was Rikk but that is no surprise. And (Starting a sentence with a conjuction) if this doesn't make sense to you, it never will. Thank you all for this. The life I live is created by you. According to VH1 someone may be having the best week ever and that someone just may be me.

=A name.

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