Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A few truths i've come to know.

1. Duke is a good dog. He might not always do what I want or might not always not do what I don't but he always does. All I have to do is change the pitch of my voice to get his tail wagging back and forth and change his entire world. Each day he waits patiently for me to come home. Who knows what he does all day when I am gone but the second I walk through the door he is living. Duke knows when it's time for me to get up and I rarely see him more excited. A pat on the head or a quick snack and his troubles of the day don't even matter anymore. I wish we could all forget the daily stress as easily as him. Duke is my friend.

2. My best friends are not who I had expected them to be. It took a little while when the dust was settling to look around and see who was there but they were clearly there. I am hard to deal with on a day to day basis and half the time I make no sense at all. The best are the ones who really just don't care about that and want to be around me anyway.

3. Disappointment is a state of mind not a reality.

4. Cliches are usually right on.

5. Happiness is the journey (See 4)

6. When you stop growing, learning, trying, wanting, striving, living.... You are dead.

7. If you read a newspaper and then look at your own life, you will have so much to be thankful for.

8. Things change, even the things you wish would not.

9. Your children will grow up faster than you will ever be ready for.

10. Sometimes you just need to sit down and right down 10 things that you know for sure when the world leaves you wondering where you are.

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