Sunday, June 20, 2010


The cycle is here, I have been waiting for this feeling the wind on the back of my neck rolling down my spine to a lull and then back again.

Is this it? Is this my turn to connect. Breath is calm feet firmly planted on the ground ready for control.

Pulling, pulling up as the canopy lunges over head wishing to travel with the wind but the balancing act and subtle inputs tell it "No stay with me, stay here, we are in this together."

We dance on the edge of the mountain feeling the tension, letting it fly. We must know that we are in sync. The trust must be formed with truth and commitment.

Turning and looking out at the horizon we can see the land below but that is not our destination. The Monday morning traffic on the freeway suggests I should be somewhere else, they always tell me I should be somewhere else.

Here I am and there is no better time, torpedo position and running hard, feeling control lines and pushing through, pushing so hard, running, heart beating, loud noises, gravity is showing me it's unwillingness to let go, and then... "LAUNCHING!"

And now it's quiet....

So quiet the only sound I hear is the breeze and everything else disappears. I am alone in the sky with my thoughts.

This feeling, it's not what I expected, and it's nothing I have ever felt before. How can I describe this feeling, am I high? The creators of adjectives must have never known our feet could leave the ground because they have left this one out.

I have flown, I am a pilot and now I know...

Life before this day was different and will never be the same. I know what it feels like to touch my soul and I know I am not alone.

I am going up now, I am going up for good to soar and to only come back down to make sure the ground is still here.

The bonds that I have formed over the last few months are real. A change has occurred and my life is now.... my life.

Flying brings out the best in me and I know that the more I go up the higher I get.

New friends, new bonds, new emotions, new life.

This next chapter going forward will be the greatest yet and I can't wait for you to be a part of it every step of the way.

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